Intelligent classroom management training ( Laptop )
Wifi Xclass system is one of the most powerful educational systems provided with Wi-Fi technology in the world, which is used to teach and manage smart classes that are done using laptops. Through this system, professors and students can easily interact with each other through their laptops, and through it, professors can present all educational materials through their laptops on students’ laptops. providing all audio, video and multimedia content by this system; It provides a smart educational environment for the class and this system can guide all educational equipment such as smart whiteboard and data projector in the class. This system has most of the capabilities of the standard X class and is approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
1 – The ability to support more than 22 living languages of the world, including English, Russian, French, Arabic and…
2- Ability to support Persian language (this system is the only computer multimedia system in Iran that has system control software in Persian language.)
3- Ability to fully control and surround the students’ computer by the professor (Collaboration)
4- The ability to register and save the name of the teacher and the type of class.
5- The ability to register and save the names of students by the student and the professor and view the real names of the students on the professor’s monitor.
6- The ability to recognize students who are present or absent on the teacher’s monitor.
7- The ability to save attendance results on the teacher’s computer.
8- The ability to arrange students’ icons based on the real arrangement on the teacher’s monitor.
9- Ability to group students indefinitely in different educational groups.
10- The ability to display the class arrangement.
11- Ability to turn on and turn off students’ computers by the professor remotely.
12- The ability to lock the students’ computer mouse and keyboard and even darken their monitor screen in order to remind the student to pay attention to the lesson and class.
13- Ability to view and control students’ monitors on the teacher’s monitor
14- The ability to increase the efficiency of class settings…
15- Ability to communicate between a professor and a student or a group of students or all students.
16- The ability to ask students questions and see the student’s real name on the teacher’s monitor and the ability to answer them privately, just by pressing a key.
It is worth mentioning:
In the Suntech multimedia system, students are not required to learn various keys to work with the device, and the only key that the student needs to learn how to communicate with the teacher is this one key on the keyboard.
17- The ability to write and mark and take notes with a smart electronic pen when presenting lessons.
18- Ability to send teacher’s voice to one or more or all students.
19- The ability to send the professor’s voice and video simultaneously to one or more or all students.
20- The ability to install a multimedia system in a network environment without using additional non-network cables.
21- The ability to send the teacher’s monitor image to the student’s monitor.
22- The ability to remotely assist the professor to the student and control the student’s keyboard and mouse for step-by-step instruction to each student through audio and video.
23- The ability to run all the software required by the class by the professor on the computer of the remote students by the professor simultaneously on all the computers, as well as adding new programs in this section, for easy access.
24- Ability to connect to various multimedia devices such as visualizer-DVD-VHS-projector-satellite cassette etc. directly.
(AV Switching – Pro Version Optional)
25- Ability to view active students with real names.
26- Ability to observe and check the type of activity of students during practice in class by the teacher.
27 – Ability to save students’ and professor’s files.
28- The ability to send and receive files through the professor for students.
29- The ability to send and receive files containing completed assignments and projects and other information through students to the professor.